How to survive in Groningen: buying furniture

You’ve scored a student room, and now all that’s left is to decorate it. That’s easier said than done. Where can you buy affordable furniture that will make your room feel like a home?


Let’s start with an obvious one: IKEA, the famous cheap-but-cute furniture store. IKEA furniture can form a good base for your room. Get a Billy bookshelf, a Malm bed, or a standard set of tableware. You can even rent a cargo bike to take everything back to your room. A great introduction to student life.

Be aware, though, that a lot of people get their furniture from IKEA, so don’t forget to take a look at what Leen Bakker and Kwantum have on offer. They’re around the corner from IKEA, and their stuff is just a little different.

Unique furniture

If you prefer to fill your room with unique pieces, there’s only one place to be: Mamamini, the best thrift store in Groningen. They sell cheap furniture, which is sustainable to boot. A coat of paint will make them look like new and that way you’ll know no one else will have the same table as you.

Obviously, your room won’t feel like home until you add some fun accessories. HEMA sells just about anything from scented candles to bedsheets and lamps to coasters. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, try the Xenos at the Vismarkt. They have lots of gadgets that you just have to have for your room.

Fancy presents

If your parents are feeling generous and want to buy you something, skip the HEMA and the Xenos and take them to Laif en Nuver. It’s a lot more expensive, but their things are really nice. Leaving home is a big deal, so you deserve a present, don’t you think?

Finally, finish off your room with a nice plant. Tuinland and Dille en Kamille have some great ones. If you don’t feel comfortable keeping a plant alive, go for a cactus or a Zamioculcas. They barely need any water, which means that even you can’t kill them because you’re too busy to water them.


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