40 students still in emergency housing

Metaallaan has closed

Metaallaan closed, 40 students still in emergency housing

On Tuesday morning, the emergency accommodations at the Metaallaan closed for good. Five students have been transferred to The Village at the Peizerweg, where they can stay until the end of October.
By Koen Marée / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen
15 October om 16:10 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:18 uur.
October 15 at 16:10 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:18 PM.

After the Esdoornflat, the Metaallaan is the second emergency accommodation for international students to close its doors. On Monday, twelve students were still staying there. Five of these have moved to The Village at the Peizerweg, where a total of forty students are currently sleeping.

Open for two more weeks

The school building at the Metaallaan was originally scheduled to close on October 1, but after some discussion it was decided to keep it open for two more weeks. At the time, a little over one hundred students didn’t yet have a room and were staying at emergency accommodation.

The forty students at The Village will have two weeks to find permanent housing. The dormitory will close on October 26, and the RUG will start using it as an extra exam hall.


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