‘Don’t walk around alone’

The RUG and Hanze University of Applied Sciences have advised staff and students not to cycle or walk alone on or near the Zernike campus. This warning comes on the heels of the deadly stabbing at the Jaagpad next to the campus last week.
By Rob Siebelink / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Associations and sports clubs at Zernike sent letters to their members warning them to be careful when travelling along the Jaagpad.

Last Tuesday, a 27-year-old man was killed on the Jaagpad, a busy walking and cycling path close to campus. He was jogging when someone stabbed him. He died on the scene. The perpetrator has not been found yet.


The police say they don’t yet know exact details. On Monday morning, they sent out a composite sketch of a man who was spotted on the Jaagpad shortly after the stabbing. His exact role in the stabbing is still unclear.

The man the police are looking for is between 1,70 and 1,80 metres tall, with lightly tan skin. When he was spotted, he was wearing dark clothes and a black cap.

On Tuesday night, television programme Opsporing Verzocht will focus on the deadly stabbing.


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