RUG books Gerard Joling for anniversary celebration

Gerard Joling will be the opening act for the RUG anniversary gala at the Martiniplaza on June 13. The RUG has also secured the services of DJ Joost van Bellen.
By René Hoogschagen / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The university will celebrate its 405th anniversary from June 5 until June 15. The anniversary organisers write: ‘Using the motto “All Inclusive”, we’re serving up a diverse and exciting programme for everyone’.

The musical Totally Shifted will kick off the festivities on Wednesday June 5 at the Grand Theatre; the play will be performed with the audience sitting in the middle of the stage.

On Thursday and Friday, the RUG will organise a conference, Growing together: celebrating diversity and fostering inclusion. Kate Zernike, granddaughter of Groningen Nobel Prize winner and inventor of the phase-contrast microscope Frits Zernike, will attend the conference.

Heel Holland Bakt

Also on Friday: the Great Grunneger Cake Off – a baking contest judged by, RUG alumna Sarena Solari, who won Heel Holland Bakt (the Dutch version of the Great British Bake Off) in 2015.

The Night of Arts and Sciences will return, including lectures, debates, and performances by Rico, Roxeanne Haze, and Greg Shapiro. The RUG is organising a sports day with a dragon boat race on the pond in front of the Duisenberg building and a pub quiz in the Academy building.

The gala with Gerard Joling will take place at the Martiniplaza. Dress code: The Nineties. Tickets are 17.50 euro.

The anniversary celebrations will conclude with an alumni day on Saturday, June 15.

For more information, go to


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