‘Deplatforming’ and Paul Cliteur

The discussion concerning Paul Cliteur’s impending speech in Groningen got pretty heated this week. Cliteur himself lashed out against the academics in the UKrant, and philosophy students Justin Warners and Thomas Krabbenbos wrote us open letters about the matter.


Paul Cliteur

‘I insult absolutely nobody’ – Interview

Paul Cliteur (Forum voor Democratie) will be giving a guest lecture during the Night of Philosophy on Friday. We asked the FvD top figure five questions. ‘No-platforming is based on the principle of political manipulation.’


Justin Warners

‘Who’s the one deplatforming around here?’ – Opinion

Last week, FvD front man wrote an open letter to the RUG, after students and lecturers wondered whether Cliteur should be allowed to speak during the Night of Philosophy. Student Justin Warners responds with a letter of his own.’

Thomas Krabbenbos

‘UKrant “deplatformed” Lenz’ – Opinion

If the discussion around Martin Lenz and Paul Cliteur isn’t represented properly, it’s all too easy to say that everyone should be heard, philosophy student Thomas Krabbenbos says. He focuses to the essence of the matter.’


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