Concerned RUG-scholars sign anti-FvD-letter

More than 800 ‘concerned scholars’ have signed an open letter against statements from political party Forum voor Democratie (FvD). Amongst them are 27 people from the RUG, including 21 professors.
By Giulia Fabrizi

In the open letter, scholars support Minister of Education Ingrid van Engelshoven (D66), who last week voiced her resentment against Thierry Baudet’s statements which she says make universities ‘look suspicious’. Baudet has proposed a ‘hotline’ that students can call if they feel educators are trying to indoctrinate them politically.

According to scholars, Baudet’s proposal creates a ‘conspiracy-like setting in which scholars, journalists, artists and architects are being accused and even being found guilty of “destroying” his ideal society a priori.’

Among other things, those who signed the petition are concerned about the ‘indoctrination hotline at schools and universities’. According to the scholars, the hotline is not actually meant to prevent bias at universities. Instead, they say, the motives are political: ‘the FvD seems to be more interested in selectively disqualifying knowledge which does not fit their political and ideological program.’


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