UKook: Tarta pascualina

It's UKook, the cooking show starring international students and their favourite foods from home. This week, Argentinian student Guadalupe Garis prepares tarta pascualina.

Tarta pascualina
Serves 4

2 large bags of washed spinach
2 onions
1 garlic clove
2 peppers (red, yellow or green)
2 eggs
1 jar of chopped olives
1 package soft goat cheese
2 puff pastry rolls
Coconut oil (or any other oil or butter)

Guadalupe Garis is a 22-year-old Argentinian psychology student at the RUG. Although she was born in Buenos Aires, she has also lived in Spain for ten years and moved to Groningen three years ago to start her bachelor degree. While meat is an important ingredient in Argentinian cuisine, Guadalupe chose instead to bake a popular savoury vegetarian pie: Tarta pascualina, a recipe that she learned from her mother. Guadalupe likes to eat healthy and has a passion for cooking for her friends. Today, she shares this delicious recipe and teaches us a quick Spanish lesson.

Tarta pascualina
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Considerations: contains eggs and cheese

Bring a pot of water to boil and gently add two eggs to cook for about five to seven minutes. Meanwhile, chop the peppers, onions and garlic. Afterwards, add a bit of coconut oil (or any other oil, or butter) to a flat bottom pan to fry the onion and garlic. Cook them until they turn golden then place them on a plate to rest. Use the same pan to fry the peppers. Once the eggs are done, wash them in cold water, peel off the shell and slice them, then set them aside for later. Prepare another pot of boiling water for the spinach – it only needs to be boiled for about five minutes. Once done, drain the water and set it aside. You should also strain the liquid from the olives at this point.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius. Place one puff pastry in the bottom of a baking dish – the pastry should fold over the edge of the dish somewhat so that it can be connected to the pastry that forms the top of the pie. Place the spinach, peppers, onions, olives, eggs and three to four pieces of goat cheese on top of the pastry and mix them together carefully with a spoon. Cover with the second puff pastry and pinch together the bottom and top pastries to form a seal. Use your fork to poke small holes in the surface to ensure that the pastry bakes properly.

Bake the pie at 220 degrees for about 25 to 30 minutes. Take it out of the oven when the surface is golden and lightly toasted. Let it cool for a few minutes and then it’s time to enjoy. Buen provecho!

Did you like this recipe? Do you like cooking, too? If you are a RUG student, this is your chance to show off your culinary skills! Contact us at [email protected] with the name of the dish you’d like to make and your availability!
