UG agrees with minister and defers binding study advice for a year

UG agrees with minister and defers BSA for a year

The UG is following education minister Ingrid van Engelshoven’s advice to let all students with a negative BSA move on to the next year anyway.
31 March om 15:26 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:19 uur.
March 31 at 15:26 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:19 PM.
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Door Giulia Fabrizi

31 March om 15:26 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:19 uur.
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By Giulia Fabrizi

March 31 at 15:26 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:19 PM.
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Giulia Fabrizi

Van uit de hand gelopen studentenfeestjes tot bezette universiteitsgebouwen en van kamertekorten tot dreigende bezuinigingen: Giulia houdt al het nieuws in de gaten. Ze praat graag met de mensen die het aangaat, schrijft erover en begeleidt freelancers bij het maken van nieuwsartikelen. Eerder werkte ze als stadsredacteur Groningen en gemeenteverslaggever Haren voor Dagblad van het Noorden.

The university has relaxed the rules concerning the binding study advice (BSA) for this academic year due to the corona crisis. ‘We are deferring the advice for all students who suffered delays due to the corona crisis’, the university said in its temporary new guidelines.

Under normal circumstances, students who do not get sufficient ECTS receive a negative BSA, preventing them from continuing their particular programme.


This year, pretty much everyone will be allowed to move on. Students who suffered delays due to the corona crisis will be given the opportunity to make up the points next year. The same goes for students whose advice was delayed last academic year and who should have made up their tally this year.

As usual, students who suffer a delay should report this. If they’re looking at a delay of five ECTS, they should inform their study adviser, and if they have a delay of fifteen or more points, the student dean should also be informed.


Some students unenrolled on March 1, because they didn’t think they would get a positive BSA. Since the rules have now been ‘relaxed’, the university will allow them to re-register for the same study programme. It’s then up to the faculties to decide whether a student will actually be allowed to enrol.

More information can be found on the UG website.


31 March 2020 | 22-11-2020, 16:19

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