Student clubs get corona subsidy

500 euros per association

Student clubs get corona subsidy

The Central Executive Board for Student Organisations (CUOS) is granting Groningen study and student associations a one-time subsidy of five hundred euros to make up for costs incurred for events that have been cancelled because of corona.
23 June om 16:21 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:21 uur.
June 23 at 16:21 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:21 PM.
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Door Koen Marée

23 June om 16:21 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:21 uur.
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By Koen Marée

June 23 at 16:21 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:21 PM.
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Koen Marée

Freelancejournalist Volledig bio Freelance journalist Full bio

The CUOS hopes to prevent the associations from getting into financial trouble, for instance because they’ve already spent money on speakers or rent. Their insurance doesn’t cover the costs of the cancellation. 


Association boards have until October 15 to apply for the remuneration. There are a few conditions: the event has to have been planned between March 12 and September 1, 2020, and its cancellation has to be due to the government-imposed corona measures. The boards will also have to show receipts for the costs incurred.

The CUOS and the board of directors have agreed that a maximum of 30,000 euros can be spent on the subsidies. 

Promotional video

The CUOS will also contribute two to three hundred euros to a promotional video that will introduce new students to the Groningen associations during the online KEI week. The video is being produced in collaboration with the online platform StappenGroningen.

The associations are funding the video themselves, with each paying approximately two hundred euros. Since the total wasn’t enough to cover the costs of the video, CUOS has agreed to help out. 


23 June 2020 | 22-11-2020, 16:21

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