SSH hires security after party at Winschoterdiep

SSH hires security after party at Winschoterdiep
The party was ‘fairly quiet for a Winschoterdiep party’, says an international student of computer science who wants to remain anonymous because they’re afraid they might get kicked out. ‘The party we had the Tuesday before was much wilder.’
Nevertheless, the party prompted several nuisance calls, which meant the police arrived at the property around two in the morning to break up the party.
The student says there were approximately fifty people at the party, which was being thrown by several residents at the complex, which mainly houses international students. They posted an open invitation on social media.
Completely unacceptable
SSH was very unhappy with the party. ‘Let us make clear, in no uncertain terms, that this type of partying and gathering together is completely unacceptable’, the corporation wrote in an angry email to all residents. Everyone, including residents at the Winschoterdiep, are doing their very best to curtail the spread of the coronavirus, SSH continues. ‘The behaviour of some of you last night is just a slap to their face, which no one can tolerate.’
In consultation with the Safety Region, which was informed of the party by the police, SSH has implemented stricter rules. Residents are no longer allowed to have guests. Anyone who isn’t a resident of the flat is no longer welcome. A maximum of four people are allowed in common rooms as long as they keep their distance, and the common rooms are off limits after 10 p.m.
According to the email, Friday’s party can lead to ‘serious repercussions’ for (some of) the residents. ‘There is now a zero-tolerance policy by us, the police and the municipality in regards to the tenants at Winschoterdiep. Whether you were involved in the partying from yesterday or not’, the email reads.
Anyone who breaks the house rules, the new extra regulations, Dutch law, or the national corona regulations faces dire consequences, the mail says. The newly hired security will make sure that anyone breaking the rules will be dealt with. They’ll be posting during the weekend as well.
SSH will announce the party’s consequences for the residents later this week.