Sportel Optiek, the best optical advice and 10% student discount

7 September om 16:05 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:21 uur.
September 7 at 16:05 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:21 PM.
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Door Advertorial

7 September om 16:05 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:21 uur.
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By Advertorial

September 7 at 16:05 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:21 PM.
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Staring at your screen, immersed in a textbook and as usual, a short night… Your eyes might have a hard time handling your studying activities. Do tired, dry or burning eyes sound familiar? And do you suffer from blurred vision? These are just a few examples of complaints we often get from students. Fortunately, there are several solutions for these issues. While you pay attention to your studies and the vibrant city of Groningen, we’ll take care of your eyes!

Personalized Optical Service and Support

“What can I expect during an eyesight test? Would you advise me to go for glasses or contact lenses?” And, “What kind of lenses would suit me best?” Indra Groenwold, a certified optician and contact lens specialist is asked these questions frequently. And as the fifth generation to work in the store, she is perfectly suited to answer all of your questions.

After our analysis of your visual needs, we will perform a general health check and professional eyesight test of your eyes. Combined with our extensive experience in this field, we can give you the best optical advice. And on top of the technical knowhow, we also take your personal preference, design, price range and quality and/or type of lenses into consideration.

ZEISS Vision Partner with i.Scription® Technology

We can proudly say that we are the only optician in Groningen to work with the innovative measuring instruments from ZEISS Vision Care. With help of the i.Scription Technology we are able to make a personal vision fingerprint of your eye. This helps us create a unique lens solution which ensures improved vision day and night. It reduces the effects of glare, adds more brilliance and sharpens contrast. That’s how we can offer you the best possible vision, also on your night out!

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses might be the right solution for you as they are easy to use and fit in with any kind of situation or change of environment. But are my eyes suited to wear contact lenses? And what type of contacts are available? Disposable or extended wear contact lenses? Hard or soft? We are happy to answer all your questions and give you personalised advice to find the best possible solution for you, without obligation.

Meet the Team

Sportel Optiek has more than hundred years of history and is an authentic family-owned business. A few years ago Indra started working in our store as the 5th generation. In addition to being a certified optician, she also is a contact lens specialist and has more than ten years of experience in the optical profession. “The combination of fashion, technology and giving personalised advice to ensure the best possible vision is what I like most about my job ”.

Her father, Harrie Groenwold, is a true professional and craftsman, with over 30 years of experience in the profession. “From the precision eyesight test, offering personalised optical advice, polishing the glasses in the right shape, to the delivery of the (new) glasses. The entire process is done by ourselves, which is the best thing about the optical profession to me.”

Indra’s mother, Isabel Marrink, is a stylist, colour consultant and designer of the award-winning shop windows. And on top of that she takes care of all back office and business administration tasks.

10% Student Discount for RUG Students

We feel responsible to give you the best possible eyesight, as it is a key-factor to be able to study comfortably. That’s why we are happy to offer you a student discount. You can use your student ID to get a 10% discount on all of our glasses, sunglasses and contact lens packages including a free contact lens assessment & trial. 

Are you left with questions about what suits you best? Then feel free to pass by our store at the Nieuwe Ebbinge. To ensure our motivated but small team has enough time, you can make an appointment online or by phone.

Follow us on our socials to stay up to date with our products, the latest news and an exclusive look behind the scenes!

Sportel Optiek
Nieuwe Ebbingestraat 14
9712 NK Groningen

Instagram: @sportel.optiek
Facebook: @sporteloptiek

E-mail: [email protected] |
Telephone: 050- 3134663

Opening hours:
Tuesday to Friday from 9.30am to 5.30pm.
Saturday from 9.30am – 5pm.


07 September 2020 | 22-11-2020, 16:21

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