lucy avraamidou

Do as the Japanese do and embrace imperfection

There’s nothing more exciting than the arrival of spring, or at least, the illusion of the arrival of spring. The dark days of winter...

The influx of ‘internationals’

Imagine being a student from abroad who chooses to study in the Netherlands because you’re promised ‘an international experience’. Having to do an internship...

Professors are not (born) mentors

What beats working on a quiet train with fast internet? Not much, unless that work is evaluating applications of aspiring professors that tick all...

Stop trying to fix women

I want to share a story. The story is not my own, but is that of Amina, a ‘woman in science’.

ChatGPT is amazing and everything that’s wrong with the world

Just when you thought you’d figured out your future, ChatGPT – with currently more than one million users – appears to prove you wrong. 

A New Year’s resolution I could keep

It’s a sunny January morning in Nicosia, my hometown. I feel the hard Mediterranean sun on my skin as I am sipping on the...

Wonder woman is a dark academia fantasy

Malvina Nissim looked gorgeous dressed up as Wonder Woman at the party following her inaugural talk on AI, to celebrate her promotion to full professor. 

What’s not to love about Sinterklaas?

It’s Sinterklaas season in the Netherlands! City lights, children singing, personalized poems, family dinners, joyful music at the shops, and parades across the country. Oh, what’s not to love? (Zwarte) Piet.

Another science is possible

What would make a scientist interesting for a 12-year-old girl, I wonder? Who could attract her interest away from TikTok and maybe even inspire her a little? That’s when I thought about a recent winner of those absurd Nobel Prizes celebrating individualism: Carolyn Bertozzi! 

Open brief: Uni moet toevluchtsoord zijn voor academici die oorlog ontvluchten

Tientallen wetenschappers en ondersteunend personeel van de RUG, onder wie enkelen met een een Russische achtergrond, roepen in een open brief de universiteit op...

Voordeel van een zwarte bladzijde

Nederlands kolonialisme – dat ligt toch al lang achter ons? Maar of we ons er nu wel of niet van bewust zijn, de geschiedenis van de RUG is van grote betekenis in het onderwijs, vindt een aantal medewerkers en studenten. ‘We vergaren kennis zonder dat we de koloniale perspectieven erkennen.’
