On-site exam? You’ll need to get a speed test at Zernike first

On-site exam? You’ll need to get a speed test at Zernike first

The UG, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, and Noorderpoort are setting up a speed-testing location for students who need to take on-site exams at Zernike, starting January 18. Groningen is the first city to set up a speed-testing pilot.
14 January om 13:59 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 18 January 2021
om 16:26 uur.
January 14 at 13:59 PM.
Last modified on January 18, 2021
at 16:26 PM.
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Door Rob Siebelink

14 January om 13:59 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 18 January 2021
om 16:26 uur.
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By Rob Siebelink

January 14 at 13:59 PM.
Last modified on January 18, 2021
at 16:26 PM.
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Rob Siebelink

HoofdredacteurVolledig bio »Editor-in-chief Full bio »

The pilot, which will take place at the Facilities Management building next to the Aletta Jacobs hall, is part of the plans set up by the ministry of education to figure out if and how on-site education can resume. The first step is to see if students can be tested before on-site exams. A next step is to see if testing can be implemented to allow students into on-site classes.

The UG and Hanze University of Applied Sciences are calling on their students to participate in the pilot. ‘This could ultimately lead to making exams and on-site classes available when the situation allows’, they write.

Limited capacity

The pilot has limited capacity. A number of students taking exams at Zernike will be selected to participate beforehand. They’ll be emailed an invitation to submit to a speed test before the exam. They’ll receive the results within three hours. A negative test will be valid for 24 hours.

Any student who tests positive will be submitted to GGD proceeding. They’ll be eligible for a resit under the corona conditions each institute set up. Some students will be able to take online exams, instead.

If their test is negative, students will be allowed to take their exam right there and then. They do still have to follow the corona rules and keep their distance from others.


The UG, Hanze, and Noorderpoort will join up with the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health to study the effect of speed testing on safety during on-site exams, based on this pilot. Noorderpoort will supply students who are studying to be physician assistants, as well as students to help with administrative issues.

The ministry of education has picked three cities to start with a speed-testing pilot: Groningen, Amsterdam, and Delft. Research universities, universities of applied sciences, and regional educational centres are participating in the pilot.


14 January 2021 | 18-1-2021, 16:26

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