
Love, sex and dating at the RUG

Lonely hearts party

During the research for the Ukrant’s love, sex, and dating series, students told us that it’s hard to meet new people. So we threw a lonely hearts party last Friday night, where thirty lucky students met new friends and lovers over free cocktails.
Video by Luís Felipe Fonseca Silva

The upper room at LUST was decked out to look like Cupid’s personal lounge. ‘Look at this’, one student marveled, pointing to a room full of strangers laughing and chatting during a speed dating game. ‘Conversation like this would never happen at a bar.’ Partygoers ate and played games and won prizes and danced between cafe tables. They even created a Whatsapp group to keep up with each other afterward.

The party was such a hit, we’ve decided it should become an UKrant staple!

Dear RUG faculty and staff: you’ve gotten in touch to let us know that dating is extra hard for professionals in a student city. We’d like to hear more – and throw you a party, too! Interested? Send us a PM on Facebook @universiteitskrant or an email at [email protected]


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