Lude Franke awarded 1.5 million Vici grant

Lude Franke awarded 1.5 million Vici grant

Lude Franke, professor of functional genomics at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, has been awarded a Vici grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
8 March om 14:04 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 8 March 2021
om 14:04 uur.
March 8 at 14:04 PM.
Last modified on March 8, 2021
at 14:04 PM.
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Door Rob Siebelink

8 March om 14:04 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 8 March 2021
om 14:04 uur.
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By Rob Siebelink

March 8 at 14:04 PM.
Last modified on March 8, 2021
at 14:04 PM.
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Rob Siebelink

HoofdredacteurVolledig bio »Editor-in-chief Full bio »

The grant is worth 1.5 million euros and will enable Franke to do innovative research into genetic mutations for the next five years.

Many diseases have an underlying cause that is genetic. However, cancer is often caused by mutations that occur during someone’s lifetime, while other diseases are caused by genetic mutations that are passed from parent to child. Lude’s project uses gene networks to try and find out if there’s an overarching principle that unites these different mutations.

Crowning achievement

Rector Cisca Wijmenga is happy with the award. ‘I know from experience how much a Vici grant contributes to independent scientific research. And in this case, I’m particularly proud of Lude; years ago, he was one of my most creative and innovative PhD candidates. This is his crowning achievement.’

What is a Vici?

Vici grant is one of the largest personal academic subsidies in the Netherlands and is awarded to senior researchers who have the freedom to submit their own research projects for financing.

Because the NWO network has been hacked, only Vici grants in the field of health are currently being announced.


08 March 2021 | 8-3-2021, 14:04

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