Internationals can dissolve their rental contracts

Only with SSH and Rizoem

Internationals can dissolve their rental contracts

The UG has decided that internationals renting a room from SSH or a container from Rizoem, can have their continuing contracts dissolved. The university will cover the cost of the vacancies.
24 March om 16:29 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:19 uur.
March 24 at 16:29 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:19 PM.
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Door Koen Marée

24 March om 16:29 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:19 uur.
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By Koen Marée

March 24 at 16:29 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:19 PM.

Many internationals went home when the coronavirus broke out, with many of the remaining ones strongly considering doing so. Since there will be no more physical classes taught this academic year, there is no reason for them to stay or return.

The students who rent from SSH or Groningse Panden, which manages the container units at the Suikerlaan on behalf of Rizoem, had to wait and see whether they’d be able to cancel their contracts. Under normal circumstances, students can only cancel their short-stay contracts when they unenroll from their educational institute.

The UG has now decided that the students can cancel their contracts, even though they’ll continue to study at the university from afar. Their rental contract will end on the first day of the next month. Sander van den Bos, with the student administration department, says that ‘between a hundred and two hundred students’ have come forward.

Other landlords

Students who live elsewhere, for example at The Student Hotel, are still in the dark on what they’re allowed to do. The company says it doesn’t have an overarching policy when it comes to dissolving contracts and that it will evaluate the situation for each individual student.

The Student Hotel has been lenient on students who are having trouble making rent because they haven’t been paid. Other rental organisations in the city have done the same. A spokesperson for Groningse Panden says they’re open to agreements. Lefier and Nijestee, which rent to more than just international students, also write on their websites that they’re willing to ‘look for a solution’, like a payment scheme.

The decision to let students leave will cost the university money. They are responsible for covering the cost of vacant SSH properties and the container units. ‘We made this decision to give the student peace of mind’, says Van den Bos. ‘We’ll deal with the financial implications later. We’ll talk to SSH and Groningse Panden about that.’


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