Stand up to stress

Battling work-related pressure and stress with a compliment. Apparently, it helps. The UK heroes tried it at the RUG. So… did it work? Watch the extremely entertaining video below (compliments to our camera man).
Video by Robbert Andringa / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

It’s the National Work-related Stress Week. All over the country, approximately two hundred businesses and institutes are organising activities to reduce work stress and increase people’s enjoyment at work.

Approximately one in three employees suffers from work pressure, the FNV union says. That is not just annoying, but can actually be harmful to your health in the long run, according to them. It can lead to work-related stress, burn-out, and cardiovascular diseases.

So FNV has a message: If you’re suffering from a high workload, try to look at things differently and start complimenting people. If you see your work in a positive light and enjoy working with other people, you won’t mind the work pressure as much.

(Editor-in-chief’s note: Dear author, this was a wonderful little article! My compliments!)

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