Library briefly unavailable

Last weekend, the RUG switched over to a new phone system, but that did not go smoothly everywhere at the university.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Approximately 6,000 phones at the university were automatically updated with software which linked them to a new RUG switchboard over the weekend. Tests were performed to confirm the update was successful. On Monday, however, the phones at the University Library (UB), the University College (UCG), and the Financial Shared Service Centre (FSSC) were not working.

‘That was pretty annoying’, says Haije Wind, technical director at the RUG’s ICT department. ‘The bulk of the phones were working, but these departments had some trouble because they couldn’t be reached.’


The university’s former switchboard was nearly ten years old and in dire need of replacing. It had also become unclear where all the landlines at the RUG were located and which cell phones they were connected to. The software update solved this issue, says Wind. But it also caused a few problems.

‘At the UB and UCG, the call forwarding to cell phones didn’t work in a few cases. And at the FSSC, the new soft phones – a computer application that works like a phone – weren’t working’, Wind explains. On Tuesday, the problems had all been solved.

Two years ago, the RUG switched over to Vodafone. The university used to work with T-Mobile but many employees could not be properly reached on that network. The new switchboard does a better job of integrating cell phones and landlines.


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