Vindicat back on track

After two meagre years, Vindicat is popular among KEI participants once more. A little more than 480 students have registered with the association. The other student associations also experienced an uptick in registrations.

By Tim Bakker / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Vindicat has recovered from a disappointing 2015. In spite of the association’s 200th anniversary celebration, they only attracted 325 new members last year. Pro-rector Quirijn de Geus is happy with the new members. ‘Everyone is still in their orientation period, of course, but this is a definite improvement over last year.’

Dizkartes has also come back from a slump with 302 new members on their list. Last year, the association only gained 171 members. Albertus is still the largest Groningen association with its 500 registrations, which is up thirteen from last year. NSG (Navigators), Bernlef, and Cleopatra also had more registrations than in 2015.


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