Two grand in tuition fees

Starting in 2017, students will pay tuition fees of more than 2,000 euros.

The ministry of education announced the plans in the Staatscourant. Currently, students pay 1,951 euros for their studies, but next academic year, this amount will increase to 1,984 euros. In 2017, the fee will increase to 2,006 euros.

The increase does not come as a surprise. A few years ago, the education minister decided to increase tuition by 22 euros each year until 2018/2019 in order to raise teacher’s salaries.

Moreover, the increase of 22 euros is the smallest in years. In 2013, tuition fees increased by 64 euros and a year later, they increased by 71 euros, only to subsequently drop to 45 and 33 euros. Because the average prices have not risen dramatically, the increases in tuition fees will also taper off.


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