Campaign against complaints

The RUG is taking measures to improve housing for foreign students. A task force, a communications working group and a complaints review commission should ensure an end to horror stories about terrible rooms.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

International students have been complaining about housing in Groningen for a long time. Especially the residents of the Diaconessenhouse are fed up with the buildings’ poor quality, but some residents at the Van Houtenlaan and Frascati are also dissatisfied.

The RUG wants to get a handle on the problems by mobilising various groups. A task force made up of various university and Hanze employees and students will establish the level of quality that the institute expects of housing agency SSH.


A complaints review commission will examine the protests residents have delivered to SSH and find out if the agency has addressed them adequately. And a communications group at SSH will determine whether communication between the agency and the university or the residents is going smoothly.

In addition, the board of the university wants to convene with the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and SSH more often to talk about whether sufficient housing is available and if that housing meets the tenants’ needs.


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