UB keeps reservation system for study spots

The booking system introduced at the UB because of the covid pandemic is set to stay in place for the foreseeable future. ‘Students are pleased that they have a study place guaranteed when arriving at the UB’, says the library’s spokesperson Babette Knauer.

Students wanting to study in the UB will have to continue booking a spot via the LibCal system. The measure was introduced early in the pandemic to reduce congestion and control student numbers. According to Knauer, the move has been met with approval: ‘Students can reserve their favourite spot and straightforwardly walk to the place – no need anymore to search for a free spot.’ 

Another issue is now also a thing of the past, says Knauer. ‘Students searching for a free desk created inconvenience for others in the study areas.’ 

On the spot

The decision was taken by the university’s board of directors in consultation with students and the committee of assessors.

Won’t this take away some of the spontaneity associated with studying at an inner city campus? Knauer doesn’t think so. ‘There are almost always study places available at the UB during the non-exam periods. Students can come to the UB and reserve a study place on the spot, even when they’re already standing by the entrance.’


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