‘FEB students want to participate, but don’t know how’

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) should create a platform where students can share their ideas, says Sanne Wolf, faculty council member with the student section. ‘A lot of people want to give input, but don’t really know where to do it.’

Not all students want to commit to a program committee for an entire year, so offering them an easy way to participate could get more of them involved with FEB, Wolf says.

Fellow faculty council member and student Kondwani Mkorongo supports the idea. Since FEB has one of the lowest rates in terms of the number of students who vote for the faculty council, she says, ‘it shows that students in our faculty don’t really know what’s going on in the decision-making process or where to go when they have these ideas.’ 


Vice dean Manda Broekhuis has also noticed that students don’t always know where to turn to. But they should first become aware of how to participate, she says. ’Sometimes we even get students that send their request directly to the board of the faculty and then we refer them to program management, for example.’ 

Since FEB teachers already have a platform for sharing best practices, says Broekhuis, ‘maybe that could be improved and we can discuss that further’.


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