1.8 million action plan should lower work stress
1.8 million action plan should lower work stress
The board of directors at the UG knows people need help now. ‘We can’t wait any longer’, rector magnificus Cisca Wijmenga said earlier during a university council committee meeting. ‘People are desperate. We have to help them, as soon as possible.’
Last Thursday, the board presented the Action Plan Education 2 to the university council. The board wants to utilise more student assistants in an effort to unburden lecturers. They also want to increase the number of ‘embedded experts’: professionals that act as educational support at faculties.
Until late 2021
The university wants to add lecturers from the Teaching Academy Groningen and experts from Educational Support and Innovation to that group. The plan should get underway as quickly as possible and will last until late 2021.
The university is allocating 1.6 million euros to the student assistants, and 130,000 for the embedded experts. The remaining 70,000 euros will be spent on training.
The plan is intended to mitigate the worst effects of the stress. The board is also working on a transition plan that should structurally add more educational support after 2021.
The university council unanimously voted in favour of the Action Plan on Thursday.