Zernike AH shuts down due to lack of customers

The Zernike AH to go. Photo: De Smaak van Stad

Zernike AH shuts down due to lack of customers

The Albert Heijn to go on the Zernike Campus shut down last week. Because of the corona crisis, very few students visit the store to grab lunch.
24 November om 16:10 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 24 November 2020
om 16:10 uur.
November 24 at 16:10 PM.
Last modified on November 24, 2020
at 16:10 PM.
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Door Sara Rommes

24 November om 16:10 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 24 November 2020
om 16:10 uur.
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By Sara Rommes

November 24 at 16:10 PM.
Last modified on November 24, 2020
at 16:10 PM.

‘The campus is quiet, which is why we decided to temporarily shut down this Albert Heijn location’, says spokesperson Taylor Mae Bouwman. ‘It will probably stay closed for a while.’  

Under normal circumstances, the Zernike AH is popular among students who want to grab a bite between classes. The shop is located in between university buildings and right across from the bus stop. But because of the lack of on-campus education, there have been virtually no students at Zernike since March. 

The staff that worked at the shop has been moved to other locations in the area that are experiencing an increase of customers. When the shop will open again depends on the developments concerning the coronavirus. 


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