Write your own story and win € 500

Time is running. Did you already wrote your story?

The previous two editions of the writing contest were a great success so the UK has decided to organize a third short story competition. The theme: For infinity.

The UK is organizing this short story competition together with the University’s Representation Fund.


Last year’s winners Ruth Koops van ‘t Jagt and Berendsje Westra, were really happy at winning joint-first prize.  It works too: Ruth for example has been moving in literary circles ever since. The books were on sale at the UK and some bookshops. Their stories were published in the UK digital magazine.

So have a go. Set your sights on infinity, ignore your modesty and submit your story. You’ll have plenty of time in the Christmas vacation to write a good one. And who knows, maybe your first short story collection will be on sale soon.

Rules and tips

Two prizes of € 500 will be awarded. One for the best English story, the other for the best Dutch entry.

You can send your story to [email protected]. If you want to have a go, please read the rules and tips first.

