UKrant is looking for a student columnist

Are you critical, original, and delightfully strong-willed? Is your writing style pithy? Are you currently a student?
18 November om 9:00 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 9 December 2020
om 13:02 uur.
November 18 at 9:00 AM.
Last modified on December 9, 2020
at 13:02 PM.

You might just be the new student columnist (non-Dutch) we need! UKrant, the independent journalism medium for academic Groningen, is looking for an enthusiastic writer to write innovating, original, and, when necessary, scathing columns twice a month, in English.

You decide what you write about. The only thing we ask from you is an affinity with student life, the RUG, or Groningen as a student city. You’ll have a lot of freedom.

Are you interested and up for the challenge? Email our editor-in-chief, Rob Siebelink, a short motivation and a sample column before November 30, 00.00 hrs at [email protected].

18 November 2020 | 9-12-2020, 13:02

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