UG increases number of study spots after urgent letter

Non-vulnerable students can also claim a place
UG increases number of study spots after urgent letter
The UG board of directors announced the news on Friday. What the expansion will look like is unclear, as it still needs to be implemented. The RIVM guidelines, which state that people will have to keep their distance and wear face masks, naturally still apply.
The increase of study spots comes after fifty UG study associations, all the student parties in the university council, and the Groninger Studentenbond (GSb) sent an urgent letter, in which they said that ‘students’ mental health is rapidly deteriorating’ and that the university should relax some of its restrictions.
‘Since the start of the corona crisis the study associations have done everything they can to support the students’, said Rolf Hidding, who chairs the Faculty Association Assembly (FAA), which includes the study associations. ‘But things are beyond us right now, too. Something has to change.’
Enormous difference
In an opinion piece in UKrant, student party Lijst Calimero also argued for the reopening of university buildings and other locations where students can study safely, like the Forum. ‘It would make an enormous difference if students weren’t confined to their room all day.’
Other cities, like Utrecht, have already taken actions like these, says Lijst Calimero. ‘Over there, all students have access to study spots. Because let’s be honest, aren’t we all vulnerable to some degree right now? If Utrecht can do it, why can’t we?’