Students can attend on-campus class one day a week, UG looking at options

UG is looking at its options

PM: Students can attend on-campus class one day a week

Come Monday, higher education students will be allowed to attend on-campus lectures for one day a week, outgoing prime minister Mark Rutte announced. But the UG isn’t making any promises.
By Yelena Kilina and Giulia Fabrizi
21 April om 10:38 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 21 April 2021
om 12:24 uur.
April 21 at 10:38 AM.
Last modified on April 21, 2021
at 12:24 PM.

We’re going to try to facilitate that’, says spokesperson Anja Hulshof. It may prove difficult, because the distance measures are still in place and not all faculties have enough room. Students and lecturers are also not obligated to attend on-campus lectures.

The university also needs to discuss its plans with the municipality and the Safety Region Groningen, says Hulshof. The UG is working on setting up outdoor locations and wants to reopen the former public library in the Oude Boteringestraat. The outdoor locations won’t be ready by April 26, though. ‘But they will help, because it’s extra space we don’t have indoors. We’re exploring our options and we’re doing that in consultation with the students.’

To minimise the risks of covid outbreaks, the government is now working on making self-test kits available for free for students and staff. 

Terraces and shops

The prime minister announced relaxation of other lockdown rules, as well, starting April 28. The nighttime curfew, which has been in place for the last three months, will be lifted as of 4.30 a.m., the day after King’s Day.  

You’ll also be allowed to enjoy a drink again on the outdoor terraces of restaurants and cafés, but only between 12 and 6 p.m. and only with one other person, unless you are from the same household.  

Shops selling non-essential goods can be visited without an appointment again, although it is recommended to avoid peak hours as the number of shoppers allowed inside will be limited. For example, smaller shops can host a maximum of two customers at a time.

Two visitors per day

In addition, you can receive two visitors per day again. Sit-down theory tests for a driving licence will also restart and the maximum number of guests allowed at funerals is increased to one hundred. 

Whether the government will take the next step of the nationwide plan to reopen society will be announced on May 3.

21 April 2021 | 21-4-2021, 12:24

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