RUG goes Chinese

Yantai in pictures

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RUG goes Chinese

Yantai in pictures

1-1 intro

A nearly 50 man and woman-strong RUG delegation visited Nottingham University in Ningbo, and the city of Yantai, where the university hopes to open a branch campus next year. This is what that looked like.
Text and photos by Rob Siebelink / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Above: Every class at the foreign universities in China is taught in English. That means the students have to study hard to master the language.

2-1 #136

Members of the RUG’s University Council visit with Ben Feringa’s colleagues at the University of Nottingham in Ningbo. Nottingham was founded in 2004, and was the first foreign university in China.

2-2 #200
Students Alvin Xue and Edwiin Chen at the Ningbo campus. ‘Studying here is a ticket for the future’, they say. The main building in the background is a replica of the building in Nottingham.
2-3 #208

Members of the University Council present the Chinese students with a gift from the Netherlands: Dutch caramel waffles. From left to right: Evan Clarke (SOG), Nina de Winter (Lijst Calimero), and Pieter Polhuis (Lijst Sterk).

2-4 #266
The RUG’s Board of Directors were treated to a lovely day during the official start of the renovations at campus Yantai. The ceremony is quintessentially Chinese, with drummers in formation and fireworks.
2-5 #352
The existing Yantai campus needs a serious overhaul. RUG real estate project leader Pieter van Hoesel (left) and Erika Hepping (far right, white blouse), along with a delegation of RUG students and staff have a look at the main building that is first up for renovations.
2-6 #363
Chinese students in Yantai currently have to make do with an old-fashioned blackboard and chalk. The classrooms will be completely renovated at a later date. The renovation and remodelling costs will come to a total of 160 million euros. Yantai and the province of Shandong are footing the bill.
2-7 #526
Tower blocks dominate the skyline of Chinese cites. The little ‘castle’ in the foreground, on the Yantai campus, has an actual winery in its basement. The city is known as ‘the Bordeaux of China’.
2-8 #390
Popping off for a quick bite between classes? Students at the Yantai campus do it differently: they eat together. And they all go to the cafeteria together.
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Council president Tim Huiskes explores one of the cafeterias on campus. The food there is excellent and very cheap. But the cafeterias will look very different after the renovation.

2-10 #507
Jan de Jeu of the RUG Board of Director, and Jasper Koester, dean of the Faculty Science and Engineering gaze in wonder at the giant carving depicting Qin Shi Huangdi, China’s first emperor, at the Yangma peninsula just outside Yantai.
Mobile version
A nearly 50 man and woman-strong RUG delegation visited Nottingham University in Ningbo, and the city of Yantai, where the university hopes to open a branch campus next year. This is what that looked like.
Text and photos by Rob Siebelink / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen
Above: Every class at the foreign universities in China is taught in English. That means the students have to study hard to master the language.

Members of the RUG’s University Council visit with Ben Feringa’s colleagues at the University of Nottingham in Ningbo. Nottingham was founded in 2004, and was the first foreign university in China.

Students Alvin Xue and Edwiin Chen at the Ningbo campus. ‘Studying here is a ticket for the future’, they say. The main building in the background is a replica of the building in Nottingham.

Members of the University Council present the Chinese students with a gift from the Netherlands: Dutch caramel waffles. From left to right: Evan Clarke (SOG), Nina de Winter (Lijst Calimero), and Pieter Polhuis (Lijst Sterk).

The RUG’s Board of Directors were treated to a lovely day during the official start of the renovations at campus Yantai. The ceremony is quintessentially Chinese, with drummers in formation and fireworks.

The existing Yantai campus needs a serious overhaul. RUG real estate project leader Pieter van Hoesel (left) and Erika Hepping (far right, white blouse), along with a delegation of RUG students and staff have a look at the main building that is first up for renovations.

Chinese students in Yantai currently have to make do with an old-fashioned blackboard and chalk. The classrooms will be completely renovated at a later date. The renovation and remodelling costs will come to a total of 160 million euros. Yantai and the province of Shandong are footing the bill.

Tower blocks dominate the skyline of Chinese cites. The little ‘castle’ in the foreground, on the Yantai campus, has an actual winery in its basement. The city is known as ‘the Bordeaux of China’.

Popping off for a quick bite between classes? Students at the Yantai campus do it differently: they eat together. And they all go to the cafeteria together.

Council president Tim Huiskes explores one of the cafeterias on campus. The food there is excellent and very cheap. But the cafeterias will look very different after the renovation.

Jan de Jeu of the RUG Board of Director, and Jasper Koester, dean of the Faculty Science and Engineering gaze in wonder at the giant carving depicting Qin Shi Huangdi, China’s first emperor, at the Yangma peninsula just outside Yantai.


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