• Sandwich series part 4:

    Smoked Mackerel Sandwich

    Smoked mackerel is overshadowed by it's cousin, smoked salmon. However the Epicurean knows how to make the most of it.

    Do you like smoked mackerel? Do you crave it at the oddest hours? Or do you perhaps need an extra dose of vitamin D to get you through the day? Then this recipe is especially for you, dear reader.

    Smoked mackerel is frequently overshadowed by its richer cousin, smoked salmon, which is a shame, as it can offer many delights. It is easy to find in a supermarket or at the market, is very affordable and is packed with flavour and nutrients. Knowing how to balance its oily nature and smoky character is important in making the most of it, though. A beetroot and green apple salad takes care of that with aplomb.

    Start by cutting the beetroot

    Start by cutting the beetroot and green apple into thick matchsticks and placing them in a bowl. Flake the skinned mackerel fillet into the bowl and add the yoghurt. Season with a pinch of salt, taste and add enough lemon juice to balance the flavours (half a lemon is probably too much, so go easy to start with).

    Brush each slice of bread with some extra virgin olive oil and season with a couple of grinds of sea salt. Place in the oven under a hot grill until they are toasted and glistening on both sides.

    To assemble the sandwich, arrange the sliced radishes on two slices of the bread, add the lettuce leaves, chopped coarsely, and share the mackerel and beetroot mix between them. Top with the remaining slices of bread and cut each sandwich in half to make them easier to eat.

    Interested? Then print the text version of this recipe!