How well do you remember Groningen?
Take UKrant's Double Trouble Memory Quiz!
The doors of our beloved uni have been shut for eight weeks now. Studying and working at home have become the new normal. The couch has taken on the role of the UB and we’ve all gained weight.
How much do we remember about Groningen? The sweet smell of the Vismarkt on Friday, the always smiling Aletta Jacobs in front of the Harmonie building, the fight for a desk in the UB, or the dangerous crossroads at the Eikenlaan. We try to hold on to the fragmented memories as melancholy and nostalgia take hold of us.
Here at UKrant, we feel for you. Time to work out that grey matter. Below, you’ll find a double memory training game: first, play the game of memory, and then try to figure out exactly where the photos were taken. They’ll probably look familiar to you.
How does it work? Put the numbers corresponding to the photos in the right location on the maps below. Take a screenshot and email it to before Monday, June 29, at 12 noon.
UKrant will award ten random correct entries with a voucher for a little academic gift. Good luck!
How does it work? Put the numbers corresponding to the photos in the right location on the maps below. Take a screenshot and email it to before Monday, June 29, at 12 noon.
Please note, you can’t move the numbers if you’re doing this on a mobile phone or tablet. It’s best to play it on a pc. If you must play it on a mobile phone, take a screenshot of the maps and draw the numbers in the right locations or describe the photo and its corresponding location as detailed as possible.
UKrant will award ten random correct entries with a voucher for a little academic gift. Good luck!