Ganimedes celebrates coming out day

Rainbow Party

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Ganymedes celebrates Coming Out Day

Rainbow Party

01-1 intro
On Thursday night, LGBTQ+ student association Ganymedes celebrated Coming out Day and Rainbow Week at Bar de Rits. ‘Here, we encourage people to be themselves – to be free’, says chairperson Max van der Meer.
Photos by Felipe Silva

Ganymedes offers a safe space to spend time together and have fun, says Van der Meer: ‘something that is not guaranteed in other nightlife settings.’

Inside, students are relaxed and happy. At one point, their voices rise in unison to sing along with a favourite song. The space swells with a feeling of unity and belonging.


Ludo, a master’s student in religion, conflict and globalisation, thinks parties like this one matter – for everyone. ‘It’s important for society to see that our community is here. And it’s important for people to come here and see there are others like them.’


‘Everyone is welcome here!’ Ludo says. Students, draped in rainbow flags, push past. They are on their way to the crowded bar where free drinks are flowing.


‘Here, you’re not different. You can make jokes that people will understand. You can just be yourself, completely’, says Mille from Groningen.


As the night continues, association members hand out rainbow markers and more flags. Party-goers promptly paint their arms and faces. Everyone is exuberant with colour.


International students Hugh and Vincent love the warm atmosphere that Ganymedes has fostered. ‘I’m very happy that this association exists’, says Vincent. ‘I feel like compared to other countries, the Netherlands really supports us.’


Hugh agrees. ‘Promoting LGBTQ culture like this creates so many opportunities for us; we’ve already met so many new friends here tonight!’

mobile versie
On Thursday night, LGBTQ+ student association Ganymedes celebrated Coming Out Day and Rainbow Week at Bar de Rits. ‘Here, we encourage people to be themselves – to be free’, says Ganymedes chairperson Max van der Meer.
Photos by Felipe Silva

Ganymedes is focused on offering a safe space where people can spend time together and have fun, says Van der Meer – ‘something that is not guaranteed in other nightlife settings’.

Inside, students are relaxed and happy. At one point, their voices rise in unison to sing along with a favourite song. The space swells with a feeling of unity and belonging.

Ludo, a master’s student in religion, conflict and globalisation, thinks parties like this one matter – for everyone. ‘It’s important for society to see that our community is here. And it’s important for people to come here and see there are others like them.’

‘Everyone is welcome here!’ Ludo says. Students push past him, draped in rainbow flags. They’re on their way to the crowded bar, where free drinks are flowing.

‘Here, you’re not different. You can make jokes that people will understand. You can just be yourself, completely’, says Mille from Groningen.

As the night continues, association members hand out rainbow markers and more flags. Party-goers promptly paint their arms and faces.  Everyone is exuberant with colour.

International students Hugh and Vincent love the atmosphere that Ganymedes has fostered. ‘I’m very happy that this association exist’, says Vincent. ‘I feel like compared to other countries, the Netherlands really supports us.’

Hugh agrees. ‘Promoting LGBTQ culture like this creates so many opportunities for us; we’ve already met so many new friends here tonight!’


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