ESN introduction week

Experiencing Groningen

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ESN introduction week

Experiencing Groningen

01-1 intro
The last time UKrant readers heard from Felipe Silva, he was still in Brazil hunting for a room in Groningen. Now the UMCG master’s student is finally here, participating in the ESN introduction week. See it all through Silva’s eyes.
Photos by Felipe Silva; Text by Megan Embry and Felipe Silva

‘Everything started with dinner at our ESN introduction guide’s house. I thought it was really thoughtful how they already knew our group was full of vegetarians and made a meal everyone could eat. Our group was pretty diverse – but there were seven Germans. 7:1, Germans to Brazilians: what are the odds? Haha! I’ll never get over that score.’


‘After dinner we headed out for a pub crawl. We started at the famous Three Sister’s, which I had already heard a ton about from other students. It didn’t let us down; the vibe was cool, the music was great, and the atmosphere was – what do they call it here? Gezellig.
The pub crawl was supposed to end at club Kokomo, but it was packed. Our guides steered us to the Warhol instead, which was also really cozy and relaxed.’


‘On Saturday the agenda was packed with different things to do. We never had to wait around feeling bored; even between sessions the guides would find ways to entertain us. We played card games as they stuffed us with stroopwafels. I DID NOT EXPECT THEM TO BE SO GOOD. I ate two big ones at once.’


‘At one point we attended a singing workshop, where instructors introduced us to classical music techniques. Here you can see us warming up; I thought it was really interesting to learn that you don’t just sing with your mouth, but with your whole body. Apparently, posture is really important.’


‘The yoga session was actually really nice; everyone seemed eager to just relax. The space was cool and the music was soothing. After all the craziness of immigration appointments, faculty introductions, and trying to remember every little thing, it was a quiet moment that we all needed.’


‘During the Language speed dating event, it was interesting to see how people from different cultures interact. This was fun partly because everyone got to practice their English skills, which is going to be important for getting to know other people.’


‘People were divided into groups of three or four and assigned some kind of Dutch kid’s game. One group was in the corner playing Twister. I was like, since when is Twister Dutch? Either way, it was fun. The leaders were cracking jokes and trying to get the players to fall over.’


‘I think the scavenger hunt – where we took selfies at different locations all over town – was my favorite activity. At one point we went to the top of the library. It was the first time I had seen Groningen from above. The cityscape is so beautiful – almost medieval – and so different from my old views in Brazil, which are all concrete and modern. Groningen looks like a set from the Game of Thrones. Standing up there, it hit me: I’m really here.’

mobile versie
The last time UKrant readers heard from Felipe Silva, he was still in Brazil hunting for a room in Groningen. Now the UMCG master’s student is finally here, and is participating in ESN introduction week. See it all through Silva’s eyes.
Photos by Felipe Silva; Text by Megan Embry and Felipe Silva

‘Everything started with dinner at our ESN introduction guide’s house. I thought it was really thoughtful how they already knew our group was full of vegetarians and made a meal everyone could eat. Our group was pretty diverse – but there were seven Germans. 7:1, Germans to Brazilians: what are the odds? Haha!’

‘After dinner we headed out for a pub crawl. We started at the famous Three Sister’s, I had already heard a ton about from other students. It didn’t let us down; the vibe was cool, the music was great, and the atmosphere was – what do they call it here? Gezellig.
The pub crawl was supposed to end at club Kokomo, but it was packed. Our guides steered us to the Warhol instead, which was really cozy and relaxed.’

‘On Saturday, the agenda was packed with different things to do. We never had to wait around feeling bored; even between sessions the guides would find ways to entertain us. We played card games, and they stuffed us with stroopwafels. I DID NOT EXPECT THEM TO BE SO GOOD. I ate two big ones at once.’

‘At one point we attended a singing workshop, where instructors introduced us to classical music singing. Here you can see us warming up; I thought it was really interesting to learn that you don’t just sing with your mouth, but with your whole body. Apparently, posture is really important for singers.’

‘The yoga session was actually really nice; everyone seemed eager to just relax for a little bit. The space was really cool and the music was soothing. After all the craziness of immigration appointments, faculty introductions, and trying to remember every little thing it was a cool mind-relaxation moment that we all needed.’

‘During the Language speed dating event, it was interesting to see how people from different cultures interact. This was fun partly because everyone got to practice their English skills, which is going to be important for getting to know other people.’

‘People were divided into groups of three or four and assigned some Dutch kid’s game. One group was in the corner playing twister. I was like, since when is Twister Dutch? Either way, it was fun. The leaders were cracking jokes and trying to get the players to fall over.’

‘I think the scavenger hunt – where we took selfies at different locations all over town – was my favorite activity. At one point, we went to the terrace on the top of the library. It was the first time I had seen Groningen from above. The cityscape is so beautiful – almost medieval – and so different from my old views in Brazil. Groningen looks like a set from the Game of Thrones. Standing up there, it really hit me: I’m actually here!’


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