
2,300 new internationals

Welcome to Grunn!

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2,300 new internationals

Welcome to Grunn!

1-1 intro

Last Thursday, it was busy but fun at the Welcoming Ceremony held in the Oosterpoort venue. Approximately 2,300 hundred international students were welcomed with speeches, informational booths, and a drink.
Text by Leoni von Ristok / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The UK was there with a booth offering the foreign students typically Dutch snacks, such as treacle waffles, cheese, and Groninger koek. The new internationals could also have their picture taken that made it look as though they were in the newspaper. All photos can be found on our Facebook page.
The ‘UK’ lettering on our banner did initially lead to confusion: apparently there is a country using the same acronym. However, it did give us the opportunity to explain what the Universiteitskrant really is.
The Oosterpoort hosted an interesting mix of students from approximately 120 countries: from Greece and Italy, to Belgium and Germany, and from Austria and China, to Indonesia and the United Kingdom.
‘I’m so glad I left my country’, an English student says. ‘Once Brexit happens next year, it’s going to become really difficult. Everyone I know, that is to say, every young person, wants to leave. And they’ll be happy to succeed.’

Photos above and front by Leoni von Ristok


2-1 #4595
The ACLO starts the year off with sports. Photo by Simone Harmsen
2-2 #4616
The band plays for a modest audience. Photo by Simone Harmsen
2-3 #4628
At the Forum, litter is sorted by mood. In spite of the bad weather, the popsicles are very popular. Photo by Simone Harmsen
2-4 #4747
What’s a welcoming ceremony without a drink at the bar? Photo by Simone Harmsen
2-5 #4761
Making faces at the Universiteitskrant’s (and not the United Kingdom’s) booth. Photo by Leoni von Ristok
Mobile version

Last Thursday, it was busy but fun at the Welcoming Ceremony held in the Oosterpoort venue. Approximately 2,300 hundred international students were welcomed with speeches, informational booths, and a drink.
By Leoni von Ristok / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The UK was there with a booth offering the foreign students typically Dutch snacks, such as treacle waffles, cheese, and Groninger koek. The new internationals could also have their picture taken that made it look as though they were in the newspaper. All photos can be found on our Facebook page.

The ‘UK’ lettering on our banner did initially lead to confusion: apparently there is a country using the same acronym. However, it did give us the opportunity to explain what the Universiteitskrant really is.

The Oosterpoort hosted an interesting mix of students from approximately 120 countries: from Greece and Italy, to Belgium and Germany, and from Austria and China, to Indonesia and the United Kingdom.

‘I’m so glad I left my country’, an English student says. ‘Once Brexit happens next year, it’s going to become really difficult. Everyone I know, that is to say, every young person, wants to leave. And they’ll be happy to succeed.’

Photo above by Leoni von Ristok

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