Festive opening week

The new UB

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Festive opening week

The new UB

1-1 intro

It has been a messy construction site for the past two and a half years, but now people can once again study, work, and flirt undisturbed at the University Library (UB). Prior to the festive opening ceremony on Tuesday, the UK visited the renovated building for a photo essay.
Text by Sjef Weller / Photos by Traci White / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Above: University Library in 1890. Frontpage: Marjolein Nieboer (left), director of the University Library, laughs as she and RUG rector magnificus Elmer Sterken ascend in the UB during the official reopening of the library.  

2-1 #4595
Its brand new glass facade ensures that the UB reflects academic life in Groningen more than ever.
2-2 #4616
After renovations, the building’s entrance directly faces the Academy building’s steps. The previous single revolving door now has a twin.
2-3 #4628
The information desk has been completely overhauled. On the right (out of frame), people can return their borrowed books.
2-4 #4747
For some fresh air, people can go to the second floor, where a new rooftop terrace has been constructed.
2-5 #4761
The archaeology book collection moved from the Poststraat to the UB three years ago. During the renovation, the entire collection was moved once again, including the welcome sign at the section’s entrance.
2-6 #4778
The renovation has created more than 500 additional study spaces. There are currently 2,240 spaces; before the renovation, there were 1,700. There are also more electrical outlets so that people can charge all their gadgets, and the Wi-Fi is extra fast.
2-7 #4799
According to the university, the renovated UB is a much greener building. Hundreds of solar panels have been installed on the roof and the upgraded ventilation installation is also said to contribute to the A label.
2-8 #4822
The iconic UB staircase remains unchanged.
2-9 #4708
Each floor has been outfitted with a coffee corner where people can take a break and catch up with their friends without being shushed.
2-10 #4838
People who prefer to see their misspelled names on a frappuccino can go to the Starbucks on the ground floor.
Mobile version
It has been a messy construction site for the past two and a half years, but now people can once again study, work, and flirt undisturbed at the University Library (UB). Prior to the festive opening ceremony on Tuesday, the UK visited the renovated building for a photo essay.
Text by Sjef Weller / Photos by Traci White / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Above: University Library in 1890. Frontpage: Marjolein Nieboer (left), director of the University Library, laughs as she and RUG rector magnificus Elmer Sterken ascend in the UB during the official reopening of the library.

Its brand new glass facade ensures that the UB reflects academic life in Groningen more than ever.

After renovations, the building’s entrance directly faces the Academy building’s steps. The previous single revolving door now has a twin.

The information desk has been completely overhauled. On the right (out of frame), people can return their borrowed books.

For some fresh air, people can go to the second floor, where a new rooftop terrace has been constructed.

The archaeology book collection moved from the Poststraat to the UB three years ago. During the renovation, the entire collection was moved once again, including the welcome sign at the section’s entrance.

The renovation has created more than 500 additional study spaces. There are currently 2,240 spaces; before the renovation, there were 1,700. There are also more electrical outlets so that people can charge all their gadgets, and the Wi-Fi is extra fast.

According to the university, the renovated UB is a much greener building. Hundreds of solar panels have been installed on the roof and the upgraded ventilation installation is also said to contribute to the A label.

The iconic UB staircase remains unchanged.

Each floor has been outfitted with a coffee corner where people can take a break and catch up with their friends without being shushed.

People who prefer to see their misspelled names on a frappuccino can go to the Starbucks on the ground floor.


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