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Moving to Groningen

From Schiphol to Groningen

Photos and video by Traci White / Editing by Sjef Weller / Subtitles by Sarah van Steenderen

Around 2,800 internationals are starting their studies in Groningen next week. More than 200 of them received a warm welcome from the ‘Movin’ to Groningen’ committee at Schiphol airport. On Monday and Tuesday – from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. – volunteers greeted the incoming students and helped them find their way to the train headed to Groningen. The UK followed a couple of students from their first moments on Dutch soil up to getting the keys to their student room. (Click the CC button within the video to enable/disable subtitles.)

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UPDATE: The UK previously reported that 2,300 foreign students would be arriving this week. However, the marketing department says that the total number of new internationals in attendance at the Welcoming Ceremony was actually closer to 2,800.

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