Bachelor-before-master rule eased up on once again

Students can still do a master even if they’re behind

Bachelor-before-master rule eased up on once again

The bachelor-before-master rule will not apply next academic year, the board of directors told the university’s faculties last week.
26 April om 13:07 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 28 April 2021
om 15:34 uur.
April 26 at 13:07 PM.
Last modified on April 28, 2021
at 15:34 PM.
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Door René Hoogschagen

26 April om 13:07 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 28 April 2021
om 15:34 uur.
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By René Hoogschagen

April 26 at 13:07 PM.
Last modified on April 28, 2021
at 15:34 PM.
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René Hoogschagen

Freelance journalist Volledig bio / Full bio.

This means that bachelor students who are just a little behind in their studies at the end of this academic year will be able to start a master programme after all, including non-UG students. The latter do have to ask for permission from the admissions board.

Last year, the university was also lenient on this issue. Students can’t be more than thirty ECTS behind – the faculties will decide on the exact number – and they’ll have to make up the ECTS by September 2022.


The faculties spent the weekend working out the board’s decision. The law faculty hopes to be able to tell its students about the exact implementation of the rule by Monday.

The decision has everything to do with the limitations imposed by the pandemic, which has now lasted for over a year and has led to classes and exams moving online.


26 April 2021 | 28-4-2021, 15:34

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