Do you feel safe out on the street? Take our survey on street harassment
Take our survey on street harassment
Do you feel safe out on the street?
These are the kinds of precautions people – mainly women – take to feel safer outside.
Obviously, everyone should be able to feel safe outside, whether it’s at night or during the day, alone or with someone else. No one should have to worry about people making remarks at them, following them, or touching them without consent. People have been increasingly challenging street harassment, by writing the remarks they get on the street in chalk, protesting, and sharing experiences.
UKrant would like to know the extent of the problem in Groningen. Does it happen often? Where are students harassed most often? Who suffers from it the most? And what are the consequences?
If you want to anonymously share your experiences with street harassment, you can take the survey here. It will be available until April 23.