UB reopens for nights and weekends

Reservations are mandatory
UB reopens for nights and weekends
A total of four hundred out of 2,200 desks will be available. ‘That’s all we could do to ensure people can keep their distance’, says UB spokesperson Frank den Hollander. ‘By reopening at night and on weekends, we hope to give more students the opportunity to come to the UB.’
Time slot
Anyone in need of a desk can reserve a time slot. The UB will be open from Monday to Sunday, and there are three available time slots a day: from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
‘We have to clean everything in between the time slots. Students who reserve two consecutive time slots can’t stay at their desk’, says Den Hollander. You automatically get a break from studying if you reserve two time slots.
Students can reserve a maximum of four time slots. This is to allow as many students as possible to make use of the UB. The library will only be available for UG students. ‘Hanze students used to be welcome, but we simply don’t have the room for them.’
Coffee and bathrooms
There is more good news: the library’s coffee rooms will also reopen. Students can’t have their breaks in those rooms, but they can take their coffee back to their desks. ‘As long as they clean up after themselves’, says Den Hollander.
The bathrooms will be available as well. ‘The hallways leading up to them are narrow, so we couldn’t turn them into one-way hallways. We’re asking people to look out for each other.’