Vindicat member goes missing

Wytze Pennink, an 18-year-old student, is missing. There has been no sign of him since Thursday night when he was last seen dressed in costume at the Grote Markt.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Traci White

According to the police, Pennink was last seen Thursday night around 4 a.m. at the Hoek cafeteria, the former location of Febo on the Grote Markt. ‘He spoke with some other students there and then walked off in the direction of the Poelestraat and the Oosterstraat. No one has seen or heard from him since then’, according to a spokesperson. The police have also shared an alert on Burgernet Groningen (a joint venture among the police, citizens and municipalities, ed.).

Pennink had a mobile phone with him, but the signal has been lost. His friends looked for him in the bars in town on Thursday night but were unable to find him. It was then that they contacted the police. Agents have conducted a search in the city centre, but Pennink has still not been found.

‘Drinking heavily’

According to his Facebook page, Pennink is a member of the Vindicat student association. A notice on the association’s own Facebook page says that the student was wearing a red onesie and a flower print shirt on the night that he went missing. The police do not know for certain if Pennink was coming from or going to a party. ‘He had been drinking heavily’, the police spokesperson says. Vindicat chairperson Stijn Derksen says that the association does not know any more than the police at this point.

Agents got a call that Pennink had been spotted in a bar on Friday evening, ‘but we did not see him there. The sighting was very vague and his friends don’t think it was actually him’, says the police spokesperson.

Pennink is from Bussum and is a coach for the Naarden hockey club. According to his Facebook page, he is a member of the almanac committee at Vindicat.


Photos: Vindicat atque Polit


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