UB gates are opened again

Closing the UB gates caused so many technical problems that the gates have been opened once again. They may remain this way until summer.
By Christien Boomsma

Starting 1 May, visitors of the university library (UB) had to produce a pass before being allowed to enter. But this caused unexpected chaos.

Students that did not have a RUG pass yet were denied access. Even if they came up with a signed document of enrollment. There were also technical difficulties reading the cards of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and the UMCG. Some passes were read only when entering through the gates, but not upon leaving the library.

Technical changes

‘We can’t fix the problem quickly’, says UB spokesperson Frank den Hollander. ‘So we decided to open the gates again.’

The difficulties are caused by the technical changes that were made so the cardreaders would accept different passes, besides the RUG-card.

It’s possible that the gates will remain open until summer. By that time it will be quiet enough to run a new test. However, the gates will close in the last weeks of the exam period. ‘If the technical difficulties have not been resolved by then, we will have to check the passes by hand’, Den Hollander says.





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