Trees to remain standing

The municipality will change the plans for the cycling routes to Zernike to ensure that several trees that line the path will not have to be cut down.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The municipality wants to change the ‘smart routes’ from the city centre to the Zernike campus because many people feel that the current cycling routes are too dangerous. The municipality’s plan was to broaden and move the paths, but residents have thwarted this plan.

In April, 2,000 signatures were collected from the residents in the neighbourhoods of Selwerd, Paddepoel, and the Tuinwijk, because in order to move the bicycle paths, many trees would have to be cut down. Residents also voiced their dismay at the planned cutting during meetings. That is why the municipality has decided to revise the plans.


The ‘smart routes’ through Selwerd Park will continue to follow the same route. The cycling paths will be improved and slightly broadened, but they will not be moved. This will allow 13 trees to remain where they are. In the original plan, 70 trees were to be cut down.

‘The original plan has been cast aside and a new draft has been written. The advantage of this new plan lies not just in saving part of the foliage, but it will also save 300,000 euros’, the municipality said in a press release.

The plans for the route along the northern ring road will continue. Alternative routes come with too many disadvantages, the municipality feels – ‘especially when it comes to social safety and costs. But also because cyclists would have to detour too far and there would be a smaller connection with the residential areas.’


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