Survey (#2): Have we got used to the corona crisis, or are we still miserable?

UKrant conducts follow-up to last year’s survey

Have we got used to the corona crisis, or are we still miserable?

We’ve been working from home for over a year now; most classes are still online. Are we getting used to the new normal? Last year, UKrant and other Dutch university publications conducted a survey about the corona crisis. How are academics doing now?
3 May om 14:10 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 3 May 2021
om 14:10 uur.
May 3 at 14:10 PM.
Last modified on May 3, 2021
at 14:10 PM.
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Door Rob Siebelink

3 May om 14:10 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 3 May 2021
om 14:10 uur.
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By Rob Siebelink

May 3 at 14:10 PM.
Last modified on May 3, 2021
at 14:10 PM.

This survey is a follow-up to our large study from June 2020, conducted by research university and university of applied sciences publications, in collaboration with research agency Newcom. The questions once again concern your well-being, the ups and downs of working and studying from home, and how satisfied you are with the university.

In an important addition to this follow-up, we ask you how you feel about the future: what kind of situation do you expect to see yourself in a year from now? Will you be working or studying from home more often? Is online or hybrid education here to stay? We will publish the results, both from the UG and from the other universities, later this month.


Last year’s survey showed how much the pandemic had affected student and staff. Almost four out of ten UG students who filled out the survey said the corona crisis had caused a lot of nuisance and that it led to physical and psychological issues. Staff mainly complained of the increased work stress due to the switch to online education.

Students said they had a hard time focusing on studying at home or in their student rooms. They did appreciate how quickly the university had managed to switch to online education, but still gave studying from home a failing grade of 4.8.

If you’d like to participate in our follow-up survey, you can fill it out here.


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