Sixth in sustainability ranking

Just like last year, the RUG has come in sixth place in the SustainaBul, the sustainability ranking for Dutch higher education institutes.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Wageningen University is the Netherlands’ most sustainable university for the fifth year in a row. The Eindhoven University of Technology reached second place, followed by Leiden University. In 2015, Groningen jumped from the eighth to the fourth place, but has now come in sixth place for the second year in a row.

Thirty students at the Morgen network evaluate research universities and universities of applied sciences based on sustainability for the annual ranking. They send the institutes a questionnaire which the universities fill out, and award points based on the responses and the evidence provided.


A total of eleven research universities and nine universities of applied sciences participated in the ranking. ‘This year, we really focused on transparency. This will enable the SustainaBul to become a platform of knowledge sharing, and we’ll expedite the transition to sustainable education’, says Morgen president Hanna Lubbers.

In previous years, the organisation would publish the assessment of each individual institute on their website. But these are currently nowhere to be found.

In earlier years, the RUG received a good score in the area of ‘research’ but was docked points for the green certificates the university buys. The amount of self-generated sustainable energy was also too low.


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