RUG staff join Jonge Akademie

Three young RUG researchers have been admitted to De Jonge Akademie (The Young Academy). In June of next year, they will join the youth branch of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Every year, the Jonge Akademie picks ten young outstanding scientists to join them for five years. The members must have proven themselves to the scientific world, but they must also be interested in science in general and know how to promote research.

At teaching hospital UMCG, Lude Franke researches genetic diseases by using statistics, biology, and informatics to find patterns and deviations in DNA. In addition to his research, Franke also works on data visualisation. To that end, he and Thomas Clever founded the company Clever Franke.


Merel Keijzer is an expert in the field of bilingualism. She researches how migration can erode a person’s native language, what it means to grow old in an environment where people don’t speak your native language, and how the brain learns a language. In her research, she combines linguistics, psychology, and neuroscience.

Erin Wilson combines the field of religious studies with international relations. She developed a model of ‘relational dialogism’, which can explain the roles and meaning of religion to international relations in a new way. She writes about religion in everyday life on her blog The Religion Factor.


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