RUG rises in Shanghai Ranking

 The RUG has gone up three places in the prestigious Shanghai Ranking. Groningen is now in 72nd place.
By Christien Boomsma / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Last year, the RUG rose from 82nd to 75th place. Among Dutch universities, only Utrecht is higher ranked than Groningen (in 65th place). However, Utrecht did go down by nine places. Leiden is the only other Dutch university in the top 100 (in 93rd place). The University of Amsterdam lost its top spot.

The Shanghai Ranking is one of the most important world ranking lists. Together with the THE (Times Higher Education) and the QS rankings, the list determines whether or not an institution can call itself a ‘Top 100’ university. Last year, the RUG came in 100th place in the QS, and 75th in the THE ranking.

The RUG excels in the field of medical research in particular. The exact sciences and life sciences are also in good shape.

The Shanghai Ranking is dominated by American and British universities. Harvard is – once again – number one. Cambridge came in fourth. The Swiss International

Institute for Technology is once again the highest scoring continental university, in 19th place.


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