Longer summer holidays? An actual fall break? Send us your idea on a shortened academic year

The UG is participating in a national experiment to shorten the academic year in an effort to decrease work stress among students and staff. What should this shortened year look like?

The Dutch academic year on average lasts nine weeks longer than at similar EU universities. Should we change our year to run from October until May rather than from September until June? Long summer holidays would be nice, but if nothing changes in terms of course load, studying would just become more intense.

Another option is for the UG to have fall and spring breaks. Every single type of Dutch educational institute, including universities of applied sciences, have these breaks, except for research universities. Or maybe you think things are fine the way they are, the advantages don’t outweigh the drawbacks and we should just leave things be?

How do students and staff at the UG feel about the idea? UKrant would like to invite you to send us a short opinion piece (200-250 words, not anonymous) on what you think is the best solution. We’ll compile the responses for an article. 

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