Join the The Great Academic Bake Off!

Enter the competition

The Great Academic Bake Off!

22 April om 12:09 uur.
Laatst gewijzigd op 22 November 2020
om 16:20 uur.
April 22 at 12:09 PM.
Last modified on November 22, 2020
at 16:20 PM.

Next Monday is King’s Day! It’s normally the start of a great festival season: on King’s Day, you change your winter coat for something lighter and bask in the sun while drinking beer en masse.

Obviously, that’s not happening this year. There will be no dancing at the Kingsland festival, no drinking in the Poelestraat. This King’s Day, we’re all staying in.

To make sure King’s Day is still festive, UKrant is holding a real baking competition. After all, what’s more festive than baking?

We hope you’ll join us.

How does it work?

  • Bake something with a King’s Day-like touch. Use our national colours or bake something typically Dutch. Be creative!
  • Would you like to win a prize? Take a photo of you and your cake, pie, or whatever it is you made, so that we can be sure you are not just submitting a photo off the internet, and email it to no later than April 27. Don’t forget to include the recipe!

The jury will have a look at the pictures. Unfortunately, we can’t taste the bakings. So what are we looking for?

  • How well the end result suits King’s Day
  • The overall appearance
  • The ingredients you used

Have fun baking!


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