Information about UKrant

UKrant is the independent news medium for the University of Groningen. UKrant brings you the daily news and background articles on things that matter to the university, staff, and students, in both Dutch and English.

Each week, all students and staff members receive the bilingual UKrant newsletter.

You can find us here

Visiting address
Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 28
9712 EK Groningen
Mailing address
Postbus 80
9700 AB Groningen
Phone number: 050-3636700

Editorial staff

General email address:

Rob Siebelink (editor-in-chief) 06-83232941
Christien Boomsma (magazine coordinator) 06-28310340
Giulia Fabrizi (news coordinator) 06-53933500
Lidian Boelens (social media editor) 050-3636700
Saskia Jonker (copy editor) 050-3636700
René Lapoutre (design, webmaster) 3636693
Mirjam van der Wal (editorial secretary, marketing, advertising) 050-3636700
Yelena Kilina (international editor) 050-3636700



Sofia Strodt (international), Silan Celebi (international), René Hoogschagen, Fay van Odijk, Romy Posthumus, Remco van Veluwen, Emily Zaal, Denise Overkleeft, Marjanne van der Bijl, Rouèl Gnodde, Alessandro Tessari (international), Felien van Kooij, Thijs Fens, Sara Rommes, Shrey Kalia (international), Adityahrydai Srinivasan (international), Yoana Petrova (international), Lydwine Huizinga

Photos / videos

Rianne Aalbers, Anouk Brekhof (student photographer)


Gerrit Breeuwsma
Casper Albers
Niall Torris
Laura van Meijeren
Bauke van der Kooij


Sarah van Steenderen


Reyer Boxem, Corné Sparidaens


UKrant gets approximately 200,000 page views a month (source: Google Analytics), and the digital newsletter is distributed among more than 40,000 students, RUG staff, and alumni every week.

For more information about rates and option, please contact Marco Boshoven at Martini Media or call 050-3142244


UKrant is a foundation with its own board (Stichting Universiteitsblad Groningen).
Its members are Herman de Jong (chair), Linda Riedstra (finances), Berend Roorda (secretary), Annette Nanninga, Jasper Stam (student member), Noor Swart (student member).

Editoral board

Kaj Reker (chair), Jan Visser, Pieter Sijpersma, Joram Hooghiem, Rimmer Mulder, Isabelle de Harder, Martijn Kok (student member), Lisa Hoekman (student member).

Responding to articles on the UKrant website

We’d love you to respond to stories that we publish and to participate in the discussions they generate, but there are some rules to follow. Find them here (Dutch only).

UKrant rejects all liability for reactions placed by you or third parties. The user is liable and indemnifies UKrant from any claims by third parties and any ancillary damages and costs related to your comments.

The UKrant Code

UKrant knows that careful and reliable journalism is important. To safeguard that, we have a code; a set of rules that guide us in our work. You can view or download those rules as a PDF file here (Dutch only)

Protocol for Corrections and Updates

UKrant has a Protocol for Corrections and Updates: how do we handle corrections, changes, or updates? You can view or download this protocol as a PDF file here.

The archive

UKrant is regularly asked to remove names from the archive or to (partly) anonymize sources. The starting point is that UKrant puts the integrity of the archive first and that we do not respond to such requests. However, exceptions are possible.

If you want to see your name removed from the archive, click here (PDF).


All the photos, text, videos, and animation on the UKrant website are copyrighted. This means they cannot be reproduced without prior permission from the editor-in-chief.

De Kring

UKrant is a member of the Kring van Hoofdredacteuren Hoger Onderwijs Media.

Register for the newsletter:

You can subscribe or unsubscribe to the UKrant newsletter here. Or have a look at earlier editions online.

If you are not an employee or student at the RUG, but would still like to read our newsletter, you can subscribe here.


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